Day 9 | Carnelian Heart

Day 9 | Carnelian Heart

Why a heart?

The heart is often used to symbolise a person's moral, emotional, spiritual and even intellectual substance. The heart has been referred to and believed to be the core of one’s humanity. It was used and is still used as the primary symbol that represents LOVE. Or is it?

A group of researchers believes that the heart symbol is not remotely related to the human heart but is more of an ancient depiction of something more sexual in nature. However, the heart symbol has evolved over the centuries for today, the heart symbol best expresses LOVE on all levels.

True enough today, the heart symbol is widely recognised not only as a symbol of love but of compassion, joy, and charity.





Known as the singer's stone, the Carnelian crystal is a warm, vibrant stone that boosts confidence and the power of true expression.  It is a stone of creativity, individuality, and courage.  Just ask Grammy Award winner, Adele, who reportedly can’t perform without Carnelian by her side. 

Whenever you're called on to perform, whether it's on stage or between the sheets, be the star of your own show by accessing the healing properties of Carnelian, the fiery companion guiding you in facing your fears.

Carnelian is the perfect antidote to a bad case of the “can’ts”, like all agates, it has protective energies, and is a powerful wingman when negativity and self-disbelief strike.  Besides its eye-catching aesthetic, Carnelian can aid memory (including past-life recall), assist in finding the right mate better than OKCupid ever could and protect from anger, jealousy, and fear.  It can also help with the manifestation of your deepest desires and bring luck.  Maybe try resisting the urge to bet it all on black though.

Physically, Carnelian has been used in crystal healing to aid in healing open sores, rejuvenate tissues and cells and provide relief from rheumatism, kidney problems, gall stones, colds, pollen allergies and neuralgia.

Who needs Zyrtec when you’ve got Carnelian, right?


MINERAL FAMILY: chalcedony


COLOUR: light yellow to orange and red   

AFFIRMATION: “I live with passion and purpose.”

BEST FOR: encourages action and confidence, boosts energy + motivation, sexual energy, enhances stamina + optimism

ORIGINS: Madagascar, Brazil, USA, South Africa, India 

CRYSTAL COMPANIONS: for creativity – citrine, for protection - amethyst, for self-love + confidence - rose quartz, for inspiration - red tiger eye, for energy - orange calcite, for sexual passion - garnet, for happiness - sunstone, for focus + discipline - fluorite

RARITY: abundant
