Day 6 | Howlite Sphere

Day 6 | Howlite Sphere

Why a sphere?

We chose a sphere, also known as Crystal Balls, as they are cut and polished to be perfectly round. Spheres radiate energy smoothly and evenly in all directions. The perfect symmetry of a sphere brings balance, peace, and relaxing energies into its environment.  They can also slow down and neutralise harmful or unbalanced energies.




patience | peace | courage  

Howlites aesthetic contrast of black and white is symbolic of the delineation that everything has its place.  Things in the past should stay in the past, and Howlite can be used to release attachments or cords linking us to old emotional pain from this life or past lives.  Imagine your Howlite crystal like a badass flick knife or light sabre, severing those unhealthy attachments and preparing you to process and go forward in peace. 

The wake of such calming can help you be truly comfortable as yourself without the need to pretend to be anything but what you are.



CRYSTAL SYSTEM: monoclinic

COLOUR: white with grey veins  

AFFIRMATION: “I release all anger, communicate calmly and am open to fresh perspectives.”

BEST FOR: regulating an overactive mind, enhancing memory, bringing calm energy to the aura, helping ease into sleep

ORIGINS: USA, Canada, Namibia, Turkey, Serbia, Russia, Mexico, Germany Pakistan
