DAY 23 | Hemimorphite Heart

DAY 23 | Hemimorphite Heart

Why a heart?

The heart is often used to symbolise a person's moral, emotional, spiritual and even intellectual substance. The heart has been referred to and believed to be the core of one’s humanity. It was used and is still used as the primary symbol that represents LOVE. Or is it?

A group of researchers believes that the heart symbol is not remotely related to the human heart but is more of an ancient depiction of something more sexual in nature. However, the heart symbol has evolved over the centuries for today, the heart symbol best expresses LOVE on all levels.

True enough today, the heart symbol is widely recognised not only as a symbol of love but of compassion, joy, and charity.



cleanse | balance | empathy


CHAKRA:  throat, crown

SIGNS:  libra

ELEMENT:  spirit

PLANET:  unknown


CRYSTAL SYSTEM:  orthorhombic

COLOUR:  blue, green, white, yellow, brown

BEST FOR:  infuses your aura with light, wear it daily to enable you to express what you think and feel more freely

ORIGINS:   Mexico, China, USA

COMPANION STONES:  to encourage your own spiritual growth - Kyanite

RARITY:  rare


Hemimorphite is effective in meditation and helps to attune you to your spiritual growth. It can also help you on your path to enlightenment, by thinking less of your ego.

Hemimorphite brings about self-confidence. It helps with anger, ego, and selfishness.

Hemimorphite is an excellent meditation tool that helps you tune out the rest of the world and quietly listen to what your body, heart, and mind are telling you. Wear it daily so you can more freely express your thoughts. The more that you use it, the more powerful the crystal becomes. Place a piece of Hemimorphite in the north of your home to attract good energy to help you achieve your goals.

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