Chakra Healing with Crystals | Part Seven | Third Eye Chakra - Unearthed Crystals

Chakra Healing with Crystals | Part Seven | Third Eye Chakra


Our sixth chakra, known as the third eye chakra, is located just below the crown chakra, between our eyebrows and is linked with enhanced intuition and creative inspiration.  It also rules our head, eyes, lower part of the brain, and pituitary glands.

When this chakra is blocked, you may feel a lack of clarity in your life or have trouble seeing the truth in yourself or situations – causing us to become unnecessarily judgemental.  It can also trigger trouble with intuition and learning new skills.  If your third eye chakra is overactive, you may feel as if your intuition is off, and you can’t trust your gut.

Physically, a blockage in this chakra can cause headaches, sleep problems, nightmares, depression, anxiety and headaches.

For third eye chakra healing, lay on your back and place your favourite third eye chakra crystals on your forehead and just relax.

These five crystals for the third eye chakra can balance, unblock, and activate this vital energy centre, opening the door to self-discovery and the beginning of wisdom.




Should’ve gone to Specsavers?  Maybe first you should’ve reached for the Fluorite. This calming stone helps focus, increase clarity and clears away the fog on the path toward really understanding self.  This brings a wiser, more balanced view of life and improves decision-making.  The Fluorite crystal’s power to bring clear inner and outer vision enables you to manifest ideas and bring plans to fruition like never before. 

For those struggling with attention deficit disorder or learning difficulties, Fluorite’s healing properties work to enhance concentration and quieten and soothe the mind by removing mental blocks and diminishing distractions.

 Fluorite encourages us to put down the iPhone, step away from the Instagram and switch off the laptop, because the secrets of the universe aren’t going to be found on your Facebook feed. And if you feed your soul with the spiritual nutrition of Vitamin F - Fluorite, you just might find them within yourself.



The biggest hurdle to your spiritual growth is probably your own hypercritical tendencies.  Labradorite can help you illuminate a sense of childlike wonder and focus entirely on protecting the magic that is purely you and propel you increased intuition, psychic development and esoteric wisdom. 

Labradorite gives you wings.

The Labradorite crystal is used in metaphysics or dream recall and finding ways to use dreams in daily life.  On the shortlist of mind-bending stones, Labradorite encourages an intense connection to the spirit world.  We’re talking ESP, astral projection and séances, so crank the Grateful Dead and let your Labradorite crystal take you on a psychedelic trip to another plane. 



The February birthstone’s healing properties are plentiful.  Its purifying energy is linked to cleansing the mind of negative thoughts and releasing addictive behaviours.  It’s also helpful in making a clear connection between planes, making it excellent for meditation and lucid dreaming.  Amethyst is used to open one’s channels to telepathy, past life regression, clairaudience and clairvoyance and communication with angels.

The Amethyst crystal is said to aid creative thinking and spiritual awareness. It is also a protective stone and thought to reduce nightmares.   So, rather than watching “one more episode” on Netflix next time insomnia stripes, try placing amethyst stones underneath your pillow before you go to bed and give into the peace and calm this stunning stone can bring.


Lapis Lazuli

High valued since the beginning of time, Lapis Lazuli is an incredibly powerful stone that is steeped in history; your own personal history, past lives, ancient civilisations – all the way back to the Big Bang and dawn-of-time itself.  The powers of Lapis are as plentiful as the peyote at Burning Man.

Lapis Lazuli is said to create and maintain connections between the physical and celestial planes, intuitive and psychic awareness are energies this stone brings to the fore, helping to awaken our true destiny and divine purpose. It is also a powerful crystal for positive or white magic.

As a protection stone, Lapis Lazuli protects from psychic and physical attacks. It can be used in protection grids, worn, or carried to make its protective energies portable. It can also be used for protection of an environment when placed in the four corners. 

And if emotional storms are blocking your inner rays of sunshine, call on the Lapis Lazuli crystal properties and channel the soothing vibrations of its many shades of sapphire blue, the colour of self-expression and awareness, the colour of the ocean, the sky, and the heavens.



This dreamy, ethereal stone directly channels the moon, a formidable force that has the power to push and pull the tides of the five deep oceans, not to mention your emotions.

If you’re seeking depth in a world of insta-friends, fear of commitment and compulsive FOMO, let goddess Moonstone take you back into your own natural rhythm.  Because of its connection to the moon, this is a crystal that rules at soothing pain and emotions during that time of the month as well as unlocking the goddess within, making it the best stone for balancing hormones and offering support during periods of major hormonal change, such as childbirth, puberty or menopause.

Moonstone can help calm responses and stress and avoid overreaction.  It brings hope and enhances sensitivity, intuition and psychic abilities.  It is also said to bring strong energies of abundance to your life, especially when working in tandem with its namesake.


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