5 of the Best Crystals for New Beginnings and Fresh Starts
Sometimes we just need to start over. You know the saying...
“When one door closes another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
- Alexander Graham Bell
This can be the end of a relationship and the process of moving on, starting a new job, moving house, or it could be the death of a loved one and learning that life must go on without them.
And then there are the more subtle changes, the perspective shifts, and personal evolution over time. These are new beginnings as well. But whatever the cause of a new phase in our lives, it’s our choices that determine the long-term outcome.
Setting an intention for a new beginning compels you to be clear on how you want this new phase to play out, and instead of just dreaming, you can use crystals to bring your intentions to fruition. Aligning your spirit and crystal with the energy of your intention allows the crystal to continue to be a visual and energetic reminder of what you want to accomplish.
Whether you’re making small changes or beginning a whole new chapter in your life, here are five crystals to support you through making a fresh start…
Green Aventurine: for Good Luck in Love

Green represents the heart chakra, our energetic love centre, so it makes sense that daring Green Aventurine would be the stone to bring good energy and a deep, earthy grounding to your love life, allowing you to open up to what lies ahead.
Green crystals bring renewal, success in new ventures, and good health. Green Aventurine is a powerhouse when it comes to supporting you through starting off something new! Its green colour indicates its relationship to growth and helps you open up to possibilities. The power of Green Aventurine gives you the assurances you need to know you are on the right path. It’s all right there in front of you, all you need to do is reach out and grab it.
Cobalto Calcite (Roselite): for Grief and Loss
Time to let go of ego and start living for love with Cobalto Calcite. Above all a stone of the heart, Cobalto Calcite symbolises unconditional love and forgiveness. It provides emotional healing, assistance with overcoming grief and helps you in finding your life purpose.
Also known as Roselite, Cobalto Calcite restores motivation and accelerates growth and development and forces you (in the nicest possible way) to make healthier choices.
This compassionate stone is uber-effective for overcoming emotional blocks, loneliness or a broken heart. Cancel the post breakup bonfire, Cobalto Calcite will calm intense feelings, and assist you in loving yourself and others again, promoting a sense of just feeling f*cking awesome about your life and everything in it.
Larvikite: for Kicking Arse at your New Job
Larvikite is all about getting grounded in the body to expand the mind. Though not prone to flights of fancy, Larvikite is a stone of magic and has a powerful capacity to stimulate metaphysical abilities and increase intuition by connecting the bearer to their higher self.
This luminous stone helps to repel negative energies and is helpful for those learning new information because it allows us to understand things from a higher perspective and assimilate new experience. It’s smart to be packing Larvikite next time you start a new job – the location of the bathroom could take on a whole new metaphysical meaning.
Larvikite supports emotional healing and assists in seeing behind the façade that people present. It teaches patience & supports us when an ending is required while creating new pathways for knowledge so you can open new doors (bathroom or otherwise).
Tiger’s Eye: for Courage in the face of Adversity
With an aesthetic as bold and powerful as its healing properties, the Tiger’s Eye crystal helps balance toxic emotions by keeping the mind uber-focussed on your true desires. Tiger's Eye is protective while keeping you thoroughly grounded. It enhances integrity, willpower, self-confidence and practicality and can help you see clearly and without illusion through the jungle of your emotions.
A Tiger’s Eye crystal can give you the strength to stop dreaming and the courage to start living. With the Tiger's Eye crystal as a (literal) touchstone, it’s time to harness the strength of a Bengal tiger and take on the world with a mighty roar.
Moonstone: the All Rounder
Moonstone is a crystal that helps you to re-structure your life at all levels. This dreamy, ethereal stone directly channels the moon, a formidable force that has the power to push and pull the tides of the five deep oceans, not to mention your emotions.
Its innate connection with the lunar cycle and everything feminine encourages you to flow with life’s ever-changing rhythms. Working with Moonstone teaches you how to welcome new beginnings, even if the change is due to loss or regret, and view this as a positive process.
This stone’s capacity for nuture is vital if you’re drained of energy, encouraging you to take stock and reassess, so that you can see the full beauty of moving forward.
Use Moonstone in concert with the New Moon to set intentions and resolutions.
Remember – this is a killer place to start, but these hella magickal practices are intensely personal and it’s always important to determine which crystal resonates with you most (or combine several for maximum effect).