Feng Shui Basics
Chances are, you, or someone you know, has tossed around the term “feng shui” before.
Maybe you joked that first share house you lived in (you know, the one with the mysterious stench) had “bad feng shui” and that’s why all your relationships were doomed. Or maybe your Mum uses it as an excuse to not display that vase your Nan gave her for Christmas last year…
But - now that so many of us are spending more and more time in our homes (thanks COVID), a harmonious work/home space is more vital than ever.
Enter – the Feng Shui renaissance.
So – WTF is Feng Shui?
It a nutshell, Feng Shui (pronounced “fung shway”) is an ancient Chinese philosophy that helps people find balance in their physical environment to promote harmony and a sense of well-being and flow.
The key is “qi” (pronounced “chee”), the energy that connects all living things. And through creative implementation of specific design principles, feng shui is said to allow your energy to flow uninhibited through your home like a body positive naturist at Burning Man.
And on a practical level? Feng Shui shows us that there’s an optimal place of every object in your home – your bed, clothes, computer… but maybe not that box of mementos of your ex, that’s just oozing bad juju. Bin it.
Feng shui for the bedroom
Your bedroom is where the magic happens (and we’re not just talking about the between the sheets kind of magic) – it’s the place you spend around a third of your life, it’s where you sleep and recover and rejuvenate and dream, so getting the energy right in the boudoir seems pretty key.
First (and this one is a no-brainer) – BAN ELECTRONICS IN THE BEDROOM. Electronics prime the brain to buzz and this is the last thing you need when you’re trying to switch off.
Second, the best position for your bed is on the wall diagonally opposite the door, never with your feet pointing directly at the entrance of the room (In Chinese tradition, the deceased are carried feet first out of the bedroom, that’s not the kind of energy we’re trying to attract here).
When you’re in bed, you should have a clear view of the room and door and have your head against something solid. And try not to use your under-bed area for storing heaps of crap. Anything underneath you affects you energetically, so if you really need the storage space, make sure you only have soft, bed-related items under there, like sheets and blankets.
Feng Shui for the bathroom
Keep the bathroom doors closed when they’re not in use. Bathroom energy is, um, gross. You don't want that floating around your home. Also, leaky faucets are super bad luck: It means you are leaking all your abundance and happiness away. Address drips immediately.
Feng Shui for your workspace and desk
When space is tight, your living room, dining room, or even bedroom maybe have to double as your home office, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have flow-friendly options for desk placement.
Make sure your desk is in the “power position” of the room – diagonally opposite the door. This gives a commanding view of the room, allowing you to see your space and think clearly.
Avoid having your back to the door (this is considered too distracting) or against a large window, which can drain energy.
Some final feng shui super tips…
Never hang mirrors across from the front door – this will cause any good energy that crossed your threshold to immediately bounce back out again.
Keep the kitchen table clear and clean. This hub represents family and love: We want people to crowd around it and feel welcome.
For rooms lacking natural light – scrap the fluoros and consider investing in incandescent or warm-coloured lamps to increase ambient light. Light represents yang energy, which promotes feelings of happiness and inspiration!
Declutter! Hoarding can manifest stagnant or dead energy. Keep your space clear and organised to let the energy flow freely.
Bring some nature into your space! According to Chinese tradition, plants represent growthy, prosperity and good luck. Opt for rounded leaves over spiky if you’re aiming for Zen.
The bottom line
As always – take our advice with a grain of salt. As in all mystical practices, your intuition is your most powerful guide. Feng shui isn’t really about the perfect placement of mirrors and plants, it’s about using your own space to create a sense of balance in your life.